Dating smith and wesson model 60

Dating > Dating smith and wesson model 60

Click on link to view:Dating smith and wesson model 60 - LinkErika1998 ♥ Profile View

The story of how he came to own the pistol was that he purchased it from another patrolman who was retiring. This happened in 1965, my Dad's first year on the job. Dad told me that the cop he bought it from had bought it from another cop who was retiring during his rookie year. I know it has some age to it and definitely has seen a great deal of action. My Dad was a survivor of the '60s modell, black outs and Black Panther ambushes at the 40th in the South Bronx. He retired back in 1985. So your dad bought itas a recruit from a retiring officer, who bought it as a recruit from a retiring officer. Your dad was on the job at least 20 to retire yes?. The thing could be from 1925 if the first retiring cop bought it when he went on the job -1945 if he got it just before retiring guesstimating from the first known purchaser. It's a 5-screw gun, Dec. I'm wondering what the hard chrome does to the value - but I'm guessing you're not even considering selling it so that's not important. Upside is the thing will last forever. Sorry to hear about your Dads passing. Is that revolver the actual gun he used as his service revolver? I ask because as modeo 'Proby' cop during that period of time, they were given the choice of a. Those were ,odel years and he would of had to dating smith and wesson model 60 had the gun 'inspected' by the firearms section before he was allowed to carry it. It would have taken time to get that done and the city was in a rush to get them on the streets for riot duty. Even the shield pin cost us. That gun has a great history. Are dating smith and wesson model 60 going to shoot it? I'd think it has more value to you than to anyone else, but the history of that gun is pretty cool. Especially if you can place it at any major events in your fathers career or the previous cops datign.

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